Monday, May 17, 2010

Haiti (2006) in 200 Words

The impoverished condition of Haiti has led to violation of Child Rights. In most areas of health, Haiti is the lowest in the region. The infant mortality rate is 1:14. Of children 1-4, 58,000 died- 19% of the regional total. Immunizations lack, with only 58% of children with the measles vaccine. Malnutrition also affects ¼ of kids under 5 severely, leading to intellectual and physical handicaps. Hospitals are few, especially in rural areas.
AIDS has left 5,000 infected babies born each year, with 56,000 kids orphaned. Those orphans live on the streets, often exploited or forced into gangs or prostitution. Restaveks, children sent from impoverished families with false promises, can be abused or denied food, rest and education.
Transport, funds, and training lack, leading to bad quality schools. It’s no wonder that 1/3 of youths is illiterate: school costs money. Students also miss school to fetch water. Unsafe water cannot be treated because only 3% wood is left for feeding fire. Sanitation is often a problem because of overcrowding and lack of facilities. Water contamination can lead to diarrhea, cholera or other illnesses.
Hope comes in the form of a new government supporting the PAFC. Preval calls for public support and donations. Donations have come with the earthquake, but post-earthquake one must ponder the desperation of Haiti now.

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