Thursday, March 18, 2010

Those Blinded Can Heal Through Peace

Hate, conflict, and pain. All can be caused by animosity and intolerance. When others humiliate or hurt us, we often don’t want to heal- we want to get even. There have been wars between two cultures, just because they dislike each other. These conflicts have been carried throughout history with a hateful tongue, and made to boil in our blood. When Macedonia wanted acceptance into NATO, Greece denied the developing country because of an old feud. Meanwhile the level of those jobless has heightened more than ever in Macedonia, and it maintained its spot on the lowest income list. Those without jobs were simply casualties of an ongoing battle between governments. Mahatma Gandhi once said, “Any eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.” Once a wrongful act directs itself at something in our personal lives, our allegiance to our nationality or religion can make us desire revenge. But revenge is an endless cycle, a chain reaction, that simply goes on and on and on. The way to reach peace is to turn the other cheek (unless the situation is dangerous) and wait for the perpetrators to tire of their relentless jabs. These actions may infuriate us, but those very actions can build the road to peace.

We all see the world. We've at sometime witnessed injustices, discrimination, or another human rights violation that tarnishes the good name of our planet. Maybe we've even taken part in them. But although watching without doing anything is the problem, watching could also be the solution. By paying attention to the world around us and intervening where we can, we can protect human rights. It also goes with Gandhi's quote, "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." If we keep exacting revenge, eventually we'll destroy our beautiful home- and all those on it.

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